Thursday, January 30th, 2025
We are off to a wonderful start to this semester! This is an extremely busy time of year so please go through the information below carefully.
Solo & Ensemble is an opportunity for your child to showcase what they have accomplished individually by performing for a judge to receive comments and a rating.
This contest is held at Martin High School on Saturday, February 8th. Each participating student has been assigned a performance time. Students have received specific instructions in class about where to enter the building, when to arrive, and where to go.
Good luck to each of our participants!
We will have String Pre-UIL DURING CLASS (Full Orchestra is after school). Parents are invited! Please check in at the front office and then make your way to the auditorium. Each orchestra will do a 20 minute warmup, perform their concert for a judge, and then the judge will work with the orchestra for 45 minutes.
Please ask your child which orchestra/class period they are in so you are sure to plan accordingly.
Wednesday, February 19th
7:35am-9am – Philharmonia / 1st period
9:15am-10:55am – Symphonic / 2nd period
11am-12:30pm – Chamber / 3rd period
Friday, February 21st
9:15am-10:55am – Philharmonic String / 2nd period
11am-12:30pm – Concert 1 / 3rd period
1:30pm-3pm – Concert 2 / 4th period
Full Orchestra
Thursday, February 20th
3:15pm-4:40pm – Philharmonic Full Orchestra
4:45pm-6:30pm – Symphony Full Orchestra
Lima, Peru
Trip Dates: March 12th – 18th
Trip Meeting Date: Tuesday, February 25th, 7pm in MHS Auditorium (6pm chaperone meeting)
*This meeting is mandatory. Students must bring one guardian.
Final Payment Date: February 21st, $450
New York City, New York
Trip dates: March 28th-31st
Trip meeting date: Monday, February 24th, 7pm in MHS Auditorium (6pm chaperone meeting)
*This meeting is mandatory. Students must bring one guardian.
Final Payment Date: February 21st, $350
UIL is March 4, 5, & 6 at the Arlington ISD CVPA. Most of these performances are during school. Transportation is provided for all students. You will receive this schedule once we receive the schedule. Parents are encouraged to attend. We may need volunteers to ride busses – please look out for a sign up genius from the Booster Club.
Hollywood Nights is our annual dinner, show and fundraiser. This is a mandatory event that all students are involved with in some way. Some students will be performing in their small ensemble that evening, some will help decorate and set up during various time slots throughout the day. Students will sign up for the specific times to help after Spring Break.
Please consider helping the Booster Club plan and execute this event. This is an excellent way to get involved with the MHS Orchestra. Please email the MOBC for information:
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 11th at Colter’s BBQ on Little Road at 7pm. Martin Orchestra Booster Club
Did you know you can join the Martin Orchestra Booster Club (MOBC) for FREE?
Did you know the MOBC provides tens of thousands of dollars and hundreds of volunteer hours in support of our Martin Orchestra program? We could not be successful without their dedication!
Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, November 12th at Colter’s BBQ at 7pm.
Join our Martin Orchestra Booster Club Remind to receive reminders: text @mobc25 to 81010.
Feb 8 Solo & Ensemble, Martin High School
Feb 11 Booster Club Meeting, Colter’s BBQ, 7pm
Feb 19, 20, 21 Pre UIL, MHS Auditorium
Feb 22 6th Grade Cluster - Symphony Students only - MHS Gym
Feb 24 Mandatory NYC Trip Meeting, MHS Auditorium, 7pm (chaperones 6pm)
Feb 25 Mandatory Peru Trip Meeting, MHS Auditorium, 7pm (chaperones 6pm)
March 5, 6, 7 UIL, Arlington ISD CVPA
March 10 Peru Preview Concert, Arlington ISD CVPA, 7pm
March 12-18 Symphony trip to Peru
March 28-31 Orchestra trip to NYC